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A Profile of Vancouver College

Vancouver College is an all male Catholic preparatory school established in 1922 by the Congregation of Christian Brothers, an order of laymen dedicated to the education of youth. The Christian Brothers also administer several hundred schools and institutions worldwide. Vancouver College is located in Vancouver, British Columbia and has an enrollment of some one thousand students, kindergarten through grade twelve. The curriculum offered follows the B.C. Ministry of Education requirements for graduation in the Province of British Columbia. In addition to the Provincial curriculum the following courses are also offered: Religious Education and AP Calculus.

Grade twelve students write Provincial Examinations in core academic subjects. English 12 is required. Students may also write examinations in English Literature, Japanese, French, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and History. These examinations account for 40 percent of the final mark for courses taken by the student in his senior year. Provincial Examinations are regarded as rigorous with Vancouver College aggregate scores above the provincial average by as much as ten percent. Vancouver College students perform well on North American science, mathematics and essay competitions, consistently placing in the top quartile.

Vancouver College is well known for the high level of student participation in intramural and extramural sports. Teams from Vancouver College have won many Provincial Championships in basketball and football and have placed high in track and field, golf, tennis, soccer and rowing. In the 94/95 school year Vancouver College football teams won the grade 8, junior varsity and varsity provincial championships. In the 95/96 school year Vancouver College clinched the Junior Varsity provincial football championships and the National Junior B Rowing Championships. During the 96/97 school year, the students of Vancouver College earned the grade 8 football provincial championships.

Students at Vancouver College are encouraged to become involved in the school community as well as the community in which they live. Therefore, many students volunteer their time and talents in a variety of areas. Some volunteer as academic tutors for peers who are experiencing academic difficulties, while others are involved at Children's Hospital or one of the intermediate care facilities for seniors. Still others are volunteer coaches at local community center recreation programs in hockey, soccer and baseball. Vancouver College strives to graduate well-rounded life long learners, who are willing to participate in today's complex society.

Vancouver College graduates are currently attending the following universities and colleges in North America: St. Francis Xavier, McGill University, University of Waterloo, Queen's University, Carleton University, University of Western Ontario, University of Ottawa, University of Manitoba, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Community Colleges of B.C., Amherst College, Brown University, Gonzaga University, Harvard University, Notre Dame University, Stanford University, Union College (New York), University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern California, University of the Pacific, University of Washington, Saint Martin's College and Louisiana State University.

Last modified: October 12, 2005
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