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Beatification of Edmund Ignatius Rice

Excerpt from homily of Pope John Paul II at Ceremony of Beatification for Edmund Ignatius Rice, Rome, October 6, 1997

Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice is a shining example of the fruitfulness of the Christian life when, as St. Paul writes to the Philippians, we "fill our minds with everything that is true, noble, good and pure" (cf. Phil 4:8-9). Here we have a[Edmund Ignatius Rice (art)]n outstanding model of a true lay apostle and a deeply committed religious. The love which he first gave to his young wife and which, after her untimely death, he always showed for his daughter, blossomed into a host of spiritual and corporal works of mercy, as he helped the clergy of his parish meet the pressing needs of his fellow citizens oppressed by poverty and the weight of anti-Catholic legislation.

The Spirit eventually led him to the total consecration of himself and his companions in the religious life. Today, his spiritual sons, the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers, continue his mission: a mission which he himself described in this simple and clear intention: "Trusting in God's help, I hope to be able to educate these boys to be good Catholics and good citizens". Who will ever measure all the good that has come from the spiritual insight, warm heart and determined faith of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice? Once more Ireland has given the Church and the world a striking testimony of complete fidelity to Christ: "Keep doing all the things that you have been taught by him...Then the God of peace will be with you" (cf Phil 4:9).

We look forward to the first celebration of his feastday, May 5, 1997.

Last modified: September 27, 2005
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