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[Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat]
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[Joseph Cast]
The cast, crew, directors and choir of Joseph

The Cast

[Anthony Aldaba] Anthony Aldaba - Napthali

Although this is his first time on stage for a prestigious VC/LFA/YHS musical, Anthony (VC - Grade 11) has still played an important role in the past two years of productions in The Wiz (2001) and SOC (2002) as a stage crew member. Anthony started his singing career by joining his elementary school choir, as well as joining his elementary school production of Annie acting as Daddy Warbucks. "This is not only a great experience," states Anthony, "it also teaches me a valuable lesson in dedication. Hacking, starburst, bubbles, super lows, and making new great friends are what makes all the hard work worth while." Anthony hopes to participate in next year's musical.

[Kevin Baldwinson] Kevin Baldwinson - Isaachar

Kevin (VC - Grade 11) has been involved in VC Drama programs since Grade 9. He was on stage crew for The Wiz and SOC. This year, he decided to actually try out for the cast of Joseph. Kevin has been involved in other extracurricular activities including Track & Field, Edmundians, Physics Olympics and Dance Committee. First, he would like to thank the awesome people in the cast, especially Rebz, Anthony (low guys), Alex and Stef, for all the fun and support. Most of all, thanks to Ms. Herb, Mr. Santarossa and Courtenay for all the outstanding work to get this thing off the ground. "Muthical practith today?"

[Rolf Brulhart] Rolf Brulhart - Asher, Butler

Rolf (VC - Grade 11) has never done this before and is excited to be performing in a musical for the first time. He had a sweet time practising and rehearsing. He takes part in many other extra-curricular activities at VC, but they won't be listed here. He enjoys singing during long walks on the beach and is not a big fan of Canadian Idol and will not be watching it ... at all. He would like to thank his parents and sisters for support and all his friends; he would also like to thank the whole cast for an awesome experience and wishes them all the best.

[Karyn Calvez] Karyn Calvez - Ensemble

Senior student Karyn Mesa Calvez (LFA) made her musical debut in the VC/LFA rendition of The Wiz back in 2001. You'll probably remember her hair in Jesus Christ Superstar during SOC 2002. She can't wait to step back into the spotlight for the last time in her high school career. Karyn sends her hugs and kisses to "friend" and packaged deal for being such supportive nerd faces. She'll miss all the excitement once it's all over. If she could, she would "return ... to the beginning ... "

[Emily Canavan] Emily Canavan - Narrator

Emily (YHS - Grade 9) writes:
Music has always played a huge part in my life. I've been singing in the Vancouver Children's Choir for seven years, and have been taking voice lessons for two. I've done two years of "Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance", as well as musical theatre programs at Gateway and through school. I was most recently involved in school productions of Annie and Guys and Dolls. Being in Joseph has been an indescribable experience. The cast is absolutely amazing. I love you all. Without you guys, I'd be alone on a stage singing to myself. Your talent, devotion, and, most of all, friendship mean the world to me. Courtenay! Thanks for the continuous key changes! Mr. Santarossa, Cary and I owe you lunch! Thank you so much for everything. Last but not least, Ms. Herb. Wow, what can I say? You bring out the best in me. You are amazing, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. To wrap this up, all I have to say is ... music is a way of life. Live it.

[Diana Chang] Diana Chang - Ensemble

Diana (LFA - Grade 9) has been involved with music at an early age. This musical is the first she has ever taken part in. However, she has performed in several school plays like Bethlehem Project as "Elizabeth" and Sleepless in Galilee. She is also part of two choirs at Little Flower Academy, performing at music festivals and competitions. Recently, she participated in Vancouver College's annual SOC with her brother, Edward, playing a piano and violin duet. She frequently accompanies her church choir, her two brothers on their violins, and performs at numerous seniors' homes. In the future, she hopes to become an actress and study Arts at university. Finally, she wishes to thank Ms. Herb and Mr. Santarossa for their awesome contribution and dedication towards this production, her parents for always driving to and from rehearsals, the organized crew, fantastic band and musicians, and the amazing cast who made this experience worthwhile.

[Doug Choo] Doug Choo - Pharaoh, Jacob

This is the first time Doug (VC - Grade 12) has been in a production, unless you count kindergarten and being one of the seven dwarves. He has enjoyed working on the musical and he would like to give a special thank you to Ms. Herb, Mr. Santarossa and the rest of the cast and crew. Other than the amazing talent that he will display for the audience during the show, he also makes time for playing lacrosse and football. He was a member of the Fighting Irish football team for five years, and is currently playing for the Intermediate A Delta Islanders lacrosse team. He is the lead singer of an alternative rock band called "Gemini Side" and another rock band that has yet to be named (though it has been around longer). If his music career turns out to be nothing but hopes and dreams, a degree from SFU should help him out. He plans to attend there this fall.

[Landon Chorney] Landon Chorney - Dan, Guard

Landon (VC - Grade 12) is performing in his first musical at VC. It has been a very demanding yet rewarding experience. He hopes to attend UBC next year and pursue a career in, perhaps ... acting? He would like to thank Mr. Santarossa, Ms. Herb and all of the other cast members for all of their hard work. He would especially like to thank M. S. for all of your patience, especially during the past two months. Thanks to Br. O and all of the stage crew.
Grad 2003! See you in the future.

[Camilla Chung] Camilla Chung - Ensemble

Camilla (YHS - Grade 11) is thrilled to be part of one of her all-time favourite musicals. She's especially pleased to be working with such a talented group of people. Camilla has been in such other musicals as Bugsy Malone and Wind in the Willows and has done ballet, modern jazz, hip-hop and tap. Her other interests include playing the piano and singing; she enjoys sports such as cross-country, track and field and soccer. She would like to thank Mr. Santarossa, Ms. Herb, Courtenay, and all the cast and crew for their hard work and dedication and all her friends and family for their incredible support.

[Melissa DaSilva] Melissa DaSilva - Ensemble

Although this is her first VC musical, it is not her first time on stage. More recently, Melissa (YHS - Grade 11) appeared in Annie as the Star-To-Be/Ensemble. Her musical theatre experience includes concert choir, vocal jazz, hip-hop, jazz, ballet, and drama camps/classes. She was extremely excited to be presented for the first time as a solo singer at this year's BC/Yukon Skating Championship Reception. In her spare time, she enjoys singing (of course), dancing, ultimate, and going to Starbucks. She would like to thank everyone who has helped her get to where she is today, especially Michelle for encouragement, Katie for advice, and Mr. Bach for inspiring her to be a better musician.

[Cristina de Dios] Cristina de Dios - Ensemble

The prodigal daughter is back and loving it! (haha) Cristina (LFA - Grade 12) made her "debut", so to speak, two years ago in the VC-LFA musical production of The Wiz, and is delighted to be back on stage for her last year. Besides musical theatre, she likes to talk incessantly, sleep like there's no tomorrow, and eat Subway. Special hellos go to the cast - you guys are super (Karyn, packaged deal x 2!); Mr. Santarossa and Ms. Herb, thanks a bunch for letting me be a part of it this year; and DANIEL, puuuuuuv. Thank you world! (woops, wrong play!)

[Matthew Fenrich] Matthew Fenrich - Zebulun, Potiphar

Matthew (VC - Grade 11) writes:
I am 17 and I play football; it's pretty much my life ... and yeah, I like long walks on the beach ... j/k ... . Thanks for coming to the play. I would like to thank all the people who made this production possible: Ms. Herb, Mr. Santarossa, Br. O, Mrs. Vernier, Courtenay and the many others whom I have not mentioned. I also want to thank my mom who has given me support my whole life. :) "I LOVE MY MOM." Also, thanks to Julia and Michael. The cast of this production has been great. :) Thanks to all my special fans who came to the show; you know who you are (wink, wink). My words of inspiration "I know I can" - Nas

[Miguel Festejo] Miguel Festejo - Judah

Miguel (VC - Grade 12) writes:
Yay! I finally made it to the cast after doing stage crew for Godspell and The Wiz. I have always loved to sing, to dance and to act and I try to join things that have at least one of these things. Singing, dancing, and acting are just hobbies; computers are my real passion, though, and my dream in the future. I would like to thank my parents first and foremost because they have always encouraged me to do what I love, to my friends who gave their full support, and last but not least is the cast of Joseph for letting me have the experiences which I will surely remember. Laterz!

[Stephanie Gabaldon] Stephanie Gabaldon - Ensemble

Stephanie (LFA - Grade 11), also known as Stef, "step on me" and "the little one", has been fortunate to be involved in Vancouver College's Godspell and The Wiz and is honoured to be a part of this year's wonderful production of Joseph. Her musical career started in January 2000, where she began as a choir member of Godspell. The following year, she was casted in The Wiz; she then continued her musical career in SOC 2002, where she debuted her rendition of "Take Me or Leave Me" from the musical Rent. Her appreciation for the performing arts in particular is something she is willing to pursue in the near future. She would like to extend warm gratitude to her parents for all their love and support. Also, she would like to give a big hug to each of her friends as well as her fellow cast members. It has been a great pleasure for her to share the experience of this musical production with everyone who was involved with the show.

[Alex Huang] Alex Huang - Gad

For Alex (VC - Grade 11), the Joseph production is his first musical at VC. He has performed in all of his elementary school theatrical presentations, including Joseph as part of a children's choir. Alex's past musical experiences include playing the piano, through the Royal Conservatory of Music, and participating in the Children's Bach Choir. Having a great classical music influence, Alex wishes to broaden his musical horizon by taking part in Joseph. He would like to extend a warm thank-you to his dearest family and friends for their patience and kindness.

[Amelia] Amelia Kearns - Potiphar's Wife, Solo Dancer, Ensemble

Amelia (YHS - Grade 10) has been extensively trained in the disciplines of tap, Irish, jazz, pointe, and competitive gymnastics, as well as musical theatre and vocal technique. She is one of the founding members of the high-energy performance group "Showstoppers", who have performed for Global TV and the Prime Minister, to name a few. Singing and dancing abilities have earned her several awards and scholarships in various competitions and festivals throughout BC. Most recently, she played Lily St. Regis in her school production of Annie and Thumbling in Thumbling for CSPS. Joseph is Amelia's first musical at VC, and she is delighted to join this talented cast and crew. She would like to thank Simon, Derry, Bunny, her family and her friends for their encouragement and support. Thanks to the cast and crew; I'm going to miss you guys! Love you! BREAK A LEG!

[Jennifer Kuhl] Jennifer Kuhl - Ensemble

Jennifer (LFA - Grade 9) is usually shy and would prefer not to write this, as she is a firm believer that self-promotion is icky, but as it is necessary she is going to make an attempt. Jennifer has always loved singing and dancing and currently takes lessons in both. This is Jennifer's first VC musical but she has participated in various musicals (including Peter Pan and Annie) since she joined the Applause Musical Theatre Group in grade three. Although this is Jennifer's third time performing in Joseph (she has been in it as a part of the children's chorus and more recently as the narrator) she has enjoyed the experience immensely. She would like to thank Mr. Santarossa, Ms. Herb and Courtenay for all the hours they've put into the show as well as everyone in the cast for being such amazing, nice, enthusiastic, inclusive, great people. Thanks to you, this will be one of her most treasured life events.

[Jordan Lazaruk] Jordan Lazaruk - Reuben

Jordan (VC - Grade 12) returns to the stage this year as a seasoned veteran of two past VC productions. Cast in both The Wiz and Godspell, he has thoroughly enjoyed his years of work with Mr. Santarossa and Ms. Herb. Jordan waved his final goodbye to football earlier this year, and is currently wrapping up his final year in rowing. He hopes to head east and earn a bachelor's degree in journalism next year, but he will never forget "impossabaron praying riero" ^o^!, action TV in the JCC, the haunted green room of the Vogue, and the perpetually recurrent mullet. Thanks to Mr. S. & Ms. Herb for their dedication; Charly for his determination; Cary for his optimism; the rest for all the memories. "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" -- Semisonic

[Melissa Logie] Melissa Logie - Ensemble

Melissa (LFA - Grade 11) writes:
Although Joseph is my first major performance, music and dance have always been a part of my life. Watching Donny Osmond as Joseph when I was ten, I never thought I would be a part of such an amazing show years later! All the people involved in Joseph have become so dear to me over the last few months; I really can't describe how lucky I feel to be part of such a talented group. We especially bonded during the many cast parties and cramped car rides to Oakridge for lunch. I hope to participate in another VC play next year, grade 12, and continue performing in years to come. Special thanks to Mr. Santarossa and Ms. Herb. We never would have made it without your dedication. You've inspired me! And thanks to the audience for your support. We hope you sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

[Cary McCaffery] Cary McCaffery - Joseph

This is the second musical in which Cary (VC - Grade 12) has performed with Vancouver College; he played the Tinman in The Wiz in Grade 10. He has been involved in music for years, vocally and instrumentally. Many thanks to Mr. Santarossa, Ms. Herb, and Mr. Olson for all their support over the years. Thanks also go out to his friends for their support. In his spare time, Cary enjoys "praying riero" with Lazer, Beech, Cay, Longoz and the crew, as well as playing sporadic rounds of golf and pool. ^o^! Cary plans to pursue music in university, as it has always been a passion of his.

no photo
Ken Overton - Guard

Crew member Ken (VC - Grade 12) joined the cast in this role.

[Greg Pember] Greg Pember - Benjamin, Baker

Greg (VC - Grade 9) has been involved in acting for over eight years now. In 2001, Greg starred as Oliver Twist in Richmond's Gateway Theatre's Oliver! He was in Carmen at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre last year and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Theatre Under the Stars last summer. Last Christmas, Greg played Friedrich in the Gateway's The Sound of Music. Greg is a member of "Showstoppers", a performing group of 20 teens directed by Derry Ehrlich. Greg has been in four "Gateway Theatre Summer Camps" and one session of "Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance" here at the Norman Rothstein. Greg would like to thank the awesome cast of Joseph, Mr. Santarossa and Ms. Herb for all their dedication and support.

[Charly Pimentel] Charly Pimentel - Simeon

This is Charly's third musical for Vancouver College, but his first time filling out a cast biography. Along with his love for music, is his love for his family and friends and everyone who has smiled at him or has made him smile at one point or another. Charly (VC - Grade 12) would like to thank God for all the support and love he has shown him through out the four-month duration of this amazing Technicolor musical production. He would like to offer thanks to the real Joseph for making the story possible to interpret and create a wonderful play. Before thanking any more people, Charly would like to ask himself why he is writing in the third person and then continue by saying: Mr. S. and Ms. Herb, none of this would be here if it weren't for the both of you. Cast parties rock. And finally, he would like to thank all of you for watching our performance and sharing some of this amazing experience known as Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

[Ramona Pimentel] Ramona Pimentel - Ensemble

For Ramona (LFA - Grade 9), Joseph is her big stage debut, yet she still does not know exactly what her part is. For the rest of her life, she will always remember how not to twitch, microwave jokes, Greg's West Side Story booty shakes, and most importantly how to fit 12 kids in a car designed for 7. She will forever be in awe of Cary's greatness. Three hours!

[Julita Sienkiewicz] Julita Sienkiewicz - Ensemble

Yay! It's time for another AMAZING show. Julita (LFA - Grade 11) is in her fourth year of performing with Vancouver College. She first made her debut as Peggy in Godspell and then went on to play Glinda in The Wiz. She is delighted to be a part of this wonderful show and have the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. Julita hopes to continue performing in her Grade 12 year. After high school, she plans on going to university where she will pursue a career in the medical field. If Julita isn't dancing or singing, she enjoys playing sports, listening to music, traveling and hanging out with her friends. She would like to deeply thank Mr. Santarossa and Ms. Herb for all they have done for her these past four years, her family, friends, and fellow cast members for always being there for her. "You have all been my 'glimmer of light'."

[Tim Tejuco] Tim Tejuco - Levi

For Tim (VC - Grade 11), this is his first musical production at VC. He performed in last year's SOC and would like to continue his musical career here. Despite his singing abilities, Timothy has a wide range of musical talents. These include years at piano, trombone and guitar. He has participated in the VC band since Grade 8 and is a committed member. Tim is very active within the VC community, taking part in clubs such as the Lettermen's Association, Pro-Life Club, and Dance Committee. Tim wishes to continue his musical pursuits through participating in Joseph.

[Jennifer Yamasaki] Jennifer Yamasaki - Ensemble

Jen (LFA - Grade 9) is in her first musical production with VC. She has been dancing since the age of two and currently dances at "The Dance Connection". She has won numerous awards in the fields of tap, jazz, and hip hop. Jen has also been doing non-competitive ballet for five years. This play has been a life altering experience for Jen in many ways. For instance, she will never forget the inspiring Ramona. She is Jen's idol, and pushes her beyond her limits to achieve greatness. However, her most memorable moment was the practice at Cartier Hall. Jen realized, for the first time in her life, that it wasn't just another house. After almost an hour reflecting on the matter she realized it was a gym, "disguised as a house." Following 3 months of strenuous rehearsals, Jen believes that all this hard work and dedication has paid off. VC, YHS and LFA have made the ultimate Joseph.

The Production Team

[Antonio Santarossa] Mr. Antonio Santarossa - Producer

This is Mr. Santarossa's eighth year of involvement in VC productions dating back to SOC 1996. He is sure the audience will be as impressed as he is with the talent assembled for this year's musical. Such a huge endeavour would not have been possible without the help of numerous staff members as well as the support of the administration.

[Nancy Herb] Ms. Nancy Herb - Director & Choreographer

Thank you to all those who have participated, heart and soul, in the production of Vancouver College's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It has been a most enjoyable and rewarding journey which, I guarantee, has resulted in an absolutely remarkable and magical show.

[Courtenay Ennis] Mr. Courtenay Ennis - Musical Director

Courtenay Ennis seems to, against all odds, still be making a living as a musician. In Vancouver, he accompanies and musical directs for numerous amateur and high school musical theatre productions, as well as working in the pop/jazz/commercial music scene. He also spends much of his time playing on cruise ships, for reasons even he doesn't entirely understand. Recent favourite productions include Into the Woods at Crofton House School and Tommy for UR Productions in North Vancouver. Courtenay would like to thank all the talented young performers in Joseph, and the great production team, especially Antonio and Nancy, for making everything so much fun. He also wishes to thank the band for their amazing musical contribution to the show. In the future, Courtenay hopes to be independently wealthy, have a family, and spend his days learning to ollie with his little skater kids.

The Band

[Richard Pinto] Richard Pinto (Electric Guitar)

Born in Burnaby, BC, Richard is 16 years old and is a Grade 12 student at VC. He began his cello lessons at the age of 5 at the Vancouver Academy of Music and completed his Grade 8 examination (First Class Honours) with the Royal Conservatory of Music in October 2001. Richard has won many awards from music festivals and participated in the World's Largest Orchestra (Guinness World Record) with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in May 2000. He was a member of the Serenata Strings Orchestra and is currently cellist of a chamber group called "Quartette Varie". He took to playing the guitar three years ago and is a self-taught guitarist. He is a member of the VC Senior Jazz Band under the direction of Mr. Larry Olson. Richard plans to pursue a career in journalism.

Musical Director/Piano Courtenay Ennis
SynthesizerTom Arntzen
DrumsIssah Contractor
BassJulie Bavalis

Stage Crew

Zane Chu  Greg Aarons
Joseph VernierEdward Koo
Chris FestejoRalph Pinto
Ken OvertonJames DeMello

The Production Staff

Stage ManagerMr. Zane Chu
Assistant to the ProducerBr. Peter O'Loughlin
Children's ChoirMrs. Lori Olson
Ms. Stephanie Olson
PropsMr. Gregory Aarons
Ms. Kendra Arndt
Mrs. Bernadette Murdock
Mrs. Lilian Vernier
CostumesMrs. Bernadette Murdock
Mrs. Lilian Vernier
Costume AssistantsMiss Rose Igonia
Miss Melissa Gural
Set DesignMr. Carlos Freire
Scenic CarpenterMr. Tim Pember
Front of the HouseMr. Greg Accili
Mr. Dan Isaac
Mr. Carlos Freire
TicketsMrs. Fani Zelis
Poster ArtMr. Alexander Bradley
Mr. Michael Barnes
ProgramMr. Alexander Bradley
PhotographyMr. Sean Hori
VideoMr. Alexander Bradley
Mr. Daniel Dent
Mr. Bill Kingsland
CorrespondenceMiss Diane Norris
AdvertisingMiss Diane Norris
Mr. Alexander Bradley
TransportationMr. David Thompson
WebsiteMr. Alexander Bradley
Technical DirectorMr. Itai Erdal
LightingMs. Klaudia Zapala
Sound OperatorMr. Kent Thompson

Elementary Choir

Grade 3
Jason Fakidis
Peter Gustavson
Brandon Olidan
Wyatt Racette
Trevor Stainsby
Elliott To
Zachary Wong

Grade 4
Fabian Cheng
Derek Chu
Christian Covington
Michael Frass
Byron Lam
Hervyn Mayuga
Angelo Rubini
Keenan Tham
Matthew Yue


Grade 5
Anthony Ang
Matthew Brimo
Benedict Castro
Jonathan Chan
Jordan Kan
James Ma
Franklin Po
Samuel Wang
Dennis Wong

Grade 6
Daniel Canavan
Aaron Chen
Eric Gustavson
John Kim
Stanley Lo
Juancho Lucca
Conrado Paderes
Miguel Ramirez
Sean Sy
Joseph Walia
Peter Wingham

Special Thanks

The performers and production staff would like to express their appreciation to the following
for their patience and cooperation in the staging of our musical. Our thanks go to

The administration and staff of
Vancouver College
Little Flower Academy
York House School

Mr. Larry Olson
(Director, Vancouver College Band)

Mr. Bill Kingsland and the
Vancouver College Media Arts Department

Mr. Jim Canil
(Vancouver College Fine Arts Department Head)

Mr. Kim Yarnold

Mr. Bob Lenton

Mr. Nenad Torbica

Mrs. Clare Fleming

Mrs. Frances George

Mrs. Kate Ottnad

Mrs. Eileen Beltgens

Joseph was produced by special arrangement with Rodgers & Hammerstein Theatre Library,
229 W. 28th Street, 11th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10001.
The Joseph website is maintained by Alexander Bradley.
Last modified: September 4, 2004