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Audio and Video Clips

Audio recordings and video footage of all the songs from Godspell have been made available on this page in RealVideo and MP3 format. The MP3 versions provide high quality audio while the RealVideo versions provide low-to-medium quality audio and video.

To view or download any clip, click on the appropriate icon under the thumbnail picture:

[Clip Title (Length/Size) - RealVideo] = Download or view streamed in RealVideo format
[Clip Title (Length/Size) - MP3] = Download or listen streamed (requires a fast connection) in MP3 format

"Prepare Ye" (2:06)
Solo by Vince Caparas

[Prepare Ye (2:06/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Prepare Ye (2:04/1.9MB) - MP3] 128K

"Save the People" (4:02)
Solo by Jordon Cheung

[Save the People (4:02/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Save the People (4:02/3.8MB) - MP3] 128K

"Day by Day" (3:43)
Solo by Kristin Fung

[Day by Day (3:43/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Day by Day (3:43/3.5MB) - MP3] 128K

"Learn Your Lessons Well" (2:04)
Solos by Julita Sienkiewicz and Diane Chan

[Learn Your Lessons Well (2:04/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Learn Your Lessons Well (2:04/1.9MB) - MP3] 128K

"Bless the Lord" (3:03)
Solo by Lisa Douglas

[Bless the Lord (3:03/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Bless the Lord (3:03/2.9MB) - MP3] 128K

"All for the Best" (4:49)
Solos by Jordon Cheung and another student

[All for the Best (4:49/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[All for the Best (4:49/4.6MB) - MP3] 128K

"All Good Gifts" (3:14)
Solo by Enrico Cunanan

[All Good Gifts (3:14/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[All Good Gifts (3:14/3.1MB) - MP3] 128K

"Light of the World" (2:53)
Solos by Cailean Maclean, Diana Gunadi, Jordan Lazaruk, and James Cleary

[Light of the World (2:53/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Light of the World (2:53/2.7MB) - MP3] 128K

"Turn Back, O Man" (5:31)
Solos by Josette Jorge and Jordon Cheung

[Turn Back, O Man (5:31/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Turn Back, O Man (5:31/5.3MB) - MP3] 128K

"Alas for You" (1:50)
Solo by Jordon Cheung

[Alas For You (1:50/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Alas for You (1:50/1.7MB) - MP3] 128K

"By My Side" (3:42)
Solos by Julia Otto and Julita Sienkiewicz

[By My Side (3:42/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[By My Side (3:42/3.5MB) - MP3] 128K

"We Beseech Thee" (3:26)
Solo by Vince Caparas

[We Beseech Thee (3:26/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[We Beseech Thee (3:26/3.2MB) - MP3] 128K

"On the Willows" (3:09)
Featuring the Choir

[On the Willows (3:09/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[On the Willows (3:09/3.0MB) - MP3] 128K

"Finale" (8:40)
Solo by Jordon Cheung
Includes Reprises of "Day by Day" and "We Beseech Thee"

[Finale (8:38/streamed) - RealVideo] 28K | 78K
[Finale (8:40/7.9MB) - MP3] 128K

If you're having trouble playing these clips...

[Download RealPlayer Basic] To view RealVideo files, you will need to download a version of RealPlayer, such as the free RealPlayer Basic, from RealNetworks.

There are many players available for MP3 files. Some of the most popular include WinAmp and RealJukebox (for Windows) and XMMS (for Linux, FreeBSD and other Unices.)

[WinAmp, an MP3 player for Windows] [RealJukebox, another MP3 player for Windows] [XMMS, an MP3 player for Unix/X Window System]

The Godspell webpage was developed by Alexander Bradley (< abradley at vc dot bc dot ca >.) Photographs are courtesy of Daniel Dent and Nick Zapala. Certain parts of the digital clips were produced in collaboration with Daniel Dent.
This production of Godspell was produced by special arrangement with the THEATRE MAXIMUS, 1650 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10019.